Top 10k strings from Pontoon (1983)(Arcade Software).tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /
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11 ;r$;" ";r$; 7 ;m$;" ";m$; 6 totme=totco 4 totme=v(u)+v(u+1 4 totco=v(u)+v(u+1 3 cards 3 ;m$;" ";m$: 2 totme>totco 2 totme<totco 2 sc2=score2 2 ;"press any key to continue" 2 ;" ": 2 ;" " 1 your score was ";totme; 1 you..... ";score1; 1 y72JJJJJJ2 1 written by bruce rutherford 1 works out score and display 1 where mid=2 and midco=2 etc 1 u$="written by bruce rutherford": 1 this is the section for totme=totco and totco=21 1 this is the analysing section for score ect. 1 t(u)=bruce 1 score2=score2+1 1 score2=sc2+1 1 score1=score1+1 1 score1=sc1+1 1 sc1=score1: 1 sc1=score1 1 r$=a$(t(r),2 1 only one of the values is 21 1 mid=r-midco 1 g$="i will twist": 1 g$="i will stick" 1 f$="your hand": 1 f$=" my hand " 1 display info as to the computers decision 1 YOU START NOW 1 THIS IS WHERE THE COMPUTER PLAYS THE GAME 1 THIS IS THE CARD ROUTINE 1 Supplied by Steve Brown 1 CONVENIENT ISNT IT 1 Bruce Rutherford 1 B.RUTHERFORD&CO.LTD.1983 1 ;r$;" ";r$: 1 ;a$(t(r),1 1 ;"you can only stick on 12 plus " 1 ;"thank you for playing": 1 ;"returned"; 1 ;"press any key to continue." 1 ;"please wait" 1 ;"others,face value" 1 ;"my total was ";totco: 1 ;"me...... ";score2 1 ;"introduction" 1 ;"here are my two hidden cards": 1 ;"cards are worth ";totme; 1 ;"S:::::::::::::::::T"; 1 ;"S:::::::::::::::::::::::T": 1 ;"Queen......10"''; 1 ;"King.......10"''; 1 ;"Jack.......10"''; 1 ;"Ace...1 or 11"''; 1 ;"*<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+" 1 ;"*<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+" 1 ;" twist?": 1 ;" now it is your turn " 1 ;" i have seen my cards ": 1 ;" "; 1 ;" "; 1 ;" ": 1 .TZXed by Andrew Barker 1 (RAMTOP-1024 1 '" when the computer is satisfied with his hand he will inform youthat it is now your turn and will deal you two cards face up." 1 '" after the computer has closely scrutinised his hand,he will either twist or stick and informyou of any decision he has made." 1 '" An analysis of the results and"''"an update on the score is"''"provided at the end of each"''"game. good luck!" 1 "you win with a five card trick!" 1 "you win with a five card trick despite me getting 21." 1 "you win as you have better cards" 1 "the values of the cards are....."'''; 1 "i win with a five card trick despite you getting 21." 1 "although we both got win because you used more cards." 1 "although we both got was still a draw" 1 "although we both got 21.i win because i used more cards." 1 "although we both got 21,you win because you got pontoon" 1 "although it was a draw,you win because you used more cards" 1 "A","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"," 1 ","J","Q","K" 1 " you will then be asked whether you wish to this you press the 'y' key if you do wantto twist and the 'n'key if you do not want to twist,it's as simple as that."''' 1 " we both got a five card trick" 1 " we both got a five card trick!" 1 " the game of pontoon is no doubtfamiliar to many of this game the computer always starts the computer begins,youare not allowed to see his firsttwo cards.however,at the end of each game all will be revealed." 1 " i win with a five card trick!" 1 " at the end of each round the "''"computer will reveal his two "''"hidden cards and his overall "''"points." 1 " although we both got 21,i win because i got pontoon" 1 " you win,as you scored more" 1 " you win,as you got pontoon." 1 " i win as i have better cards" 1 " although it was a draw,i win because i used more cards" 1 " i win,as i got pontoon." 1 " we both got pontoon!" 1 " i win,as i scored more" 1 " we both got pontoon!" 1 " you busted,i win" 1 " we both busted!" 1 " that was a draw" 1 " i busted,you win" 1 " ::::::::::::"'' 1 you have stuck on ";totme;" 1 wow!!!! 21 with ";r-midco;" cards! 1 score so far 1 are you trying to let me win? 1 another game? 1 a five card trick! 1 i will twist for you 1 shuffling pack now 1 you have bust 1 pontoon 1 ;": 1